Data Protection

Our social network pages have been created and are maintained for the purpose of exchanging information, in all cases in compliance with the rules of respect for all users.

Social networking sites are open platforms and by their very nature, it is illogical to restrict the flow of comments, posts, images, etc. Therefore, our main premise here is that users are solely responsible for any content they provide. We cannot be held responsible for users’ opinions, or for the reliability or accuracy of the content they upload.

We must also emphasise that social networking sites are the property of each provider; we use them like any other user. We will establish the profiles for confidentiality and rules of use that the site allows us to, but always from a user’s point of view.

Below are a series of guidelines that will undoubtedly help us all to use these tools well and enjoy them:

  1. Social networking sites are public platforms and users must therefore assume that the content they publish may be seen by other users, with the restrictions that they themselves determine in their privacy settings as well as those contained in the tool itself.
  2. All opinions, comments and news published by users must contribute to the general principle of information exchange. Causing controversy or discrediting third parties is not permitted under any circumstances. If any of these situations occur, we reserve the right to delete the entry from our profile. Likewise, we will remove any type of information that we consider unlawful or potentially harmful to us or other users.
  3. Use of this account for commercial activities, professional promotions and advertising in general is not permitted.
  4. When users publish their own material, in the form of photographs, text, etc … they must be aware that the mere act of uploading the material to our profile authorises us to use said material. Please remember that, given the nature of social networking sites, other users can access this material as well. For our part, we promise to cite the author of any material we subsequently use.
  5. The logos, corporate information and general content we publish belong to us and consequently we reserve the intellectual and industrial property rights. Users must respect these principles.